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Dominant Species the card game

by : GMT Games

Dominant Species the card game

survival of the fittest

£24.99 £18.99  In Stock with FREE UK delivery
despatched same / next working day by Royal Mail
or courier estimated delivery*: 1-3 days UK

(*excluding Sunday & public holidays, Christmas post may extend delivery times)

players 2 - 6, ages 13+, 60 minutes designer(s) : artist(s) :
[barcode 81705401012, BGC stock id 4201]

Description of Dominant Species the card game

Dominant Species: The Card Game is a fast-playing game that abstractly recreates a tiny portion of ancient history: the ponderous rescinding of an ice age and what that entails for the living creatures trying to adapt to the slowly-changing earth.

Players will use six major animal classes – mammal, reptile, bird, amphibian, arachnid or insect – to further their goals in various terrain. Through wily card play, players will strive to become dominant at as many different terrestrial and sea biomes as possible in order to claim valuable victory points: It is survival of the fittest.

All of this leads to the end game – the final descent of the ice age – where the player who has accumulated the most victory points wins the game.

But somebody better become dominant quickly because it's getting mighty warm...

Contents of Dominant Species the card game

132 Total Cards (99 animals, 21 events and 12 biomes), 12 Wooden Cubes in six player colors, 6 Wooden Discs in six player colors, 2 Wooden Ppawns (white for the starting player, black for the Time Track), 8.5" x 5.5" full-color Cardstock Play Aid, 8.5" x 5.5" full-color Rulebook

copyright Maddison Games Ltd. 2003-2023